Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My first blog!!

My very first blog! How very exciting. I am still new so don't expect anything exciting for awhile. I do have a my space and so I think they are kind of the same. I am hoping to get rid of my My Space and just do a blog if it is easier. We will see!


trwillard7 said...

Hey old pal!
This is Tyson Willard from the mish!
You are a hard guy to track down but at last i found you. Thank you google! LOL Any how hows life treating you looks like you have a beautiful family! I'm currently visiting the In-Laws in SAFFORD AZ for the holidays! We live in Moses Lake Wa. I meet my wife on the internet. :-) We have two boys Teancum 3 few more months will be 4 and Ammon about 18 month or something like that and we just found out that we are having a girl! So we are super excited for that. Well love to hear from you.
I have a Quetion that I have always wondered about what ever became of that turtle that I sent your Bro?
Love Tyson and family.

Brian Willis family said...

Hey Tyson!
How have you been? Sorry I haven't replied sooner, Tiffany doesn't check her blog very often. Congrats on the two kids! Is your little girl here yet? I don't know how to use the blog, I tried looking for yours but I couldn't get anywhere. I'm not sure if this will even work. If you get this you should email me at or check out my facebook with the same email address. Willard (the turtle) grew to be about the size of a frying pan and then he climbed out of the drinker a year or two ago and we haven't found him. We live close to an open ditch and a creek, so we firgured he made it to water. Email me back and we will chat some more. Gotta run. Its good to hear from you.
